Living Architecture Reference Publications

& Reference publications
Armstrong R, Hanczyc MM. 2013. Bütschli Dynamic Droplet System. Artificial Life, 19(3-4): 331-346.
Caschera F, Bedau MA, Buchanan A, Cawse J, de Lucrezia D, Gazzola G, Hanczyc MM, Packard N. 2011. Coping With Complexity: Machine Learning Optimization of Cell-Free Protein Synthesis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 108 (9) 2218–2228.
Gajda I, Stinchcombe A, Greenman J, Melhuish C, Ieropoulos I. 2015. Ceramic MFCs with internal cathode producing sufficient power for practical applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (42), pp. 14627-14631
Gajda I, Greenman J, Melhuish C, Santoro C, Ieropoulos I. 2016. Microbial Fuel Cell-driven caustic potash production from wastewater for carbon sequestration, – Bioresource technology, 215, pp. 285-289.
Hanczyc MM and Ikegami T. 2009. Protocells as smart agents for architectural design. Technoetic Arts Journal,Vol. 7.2, pp117-120.
Hanczyc MM. 2011. Structure and the synthesis of life. Architectural Design. 02.2011
Walter XA, Stinchcombe A, Greenman J, Ieropoulos I. 2016. Urine transduction to usable energy: A modular MFC approach for smartphone and remote system charging, Applied Energy, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.06.006
Walter XA, Greenman J, Taylor B, Ieropoulos I. 2015. Microbial fuel cells continuously fuelled by untreated fresh algal biomass, Algal Research 11, pp. 103-107
Winfield J, Gajda I, Greenman J, Ieropoulos I. 2016. A review into the use of ceramics in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource technology, 215, pp. 296-303