The Fundamentals Of Front End And Back End Development

Everything you’re seeing on this website right now was made possible by a front-end developer. A designer crafted the logo and graphics, a photographer took the pictures, and a copywriter wrote the text. But a front-end dev assembled all of those pieces, translated them into web-speak, and built the experience you have with each page. To take one specific example, scroll up and down on the Udacity homepage. This includes controlling text styles, table sizes, and colors.CSS adapts web page presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens and small screens. Front end developers are responsible for implementing visual components on a website as well as interactive features like navigation, buttons, or anything that enhances overall usability.

front end and back end

You can use it to run a game on your site, to name one example. While HTML is used to create structure on a site, CSS is used to bring style and flair. It defines a site’s colors, fonts, and the style of other site content. dynamic website to allow users to make purchases, use contact forms, and any other interactive activities you bitcoin development team might participate in while browsing a site. Some examples of dynamic websites are Netflix, PayPal, Facebook, and the Kenzie Academy site you’re currently on. ” Now that you’ve gotten an overview of both front and back end, let’s discuss their differences. There are 4 main distinctions that set front and back end development apart.

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Creating a visual picture of your path to becoming a front-end programmer helps keep you focused. With your map in hand, take a look at the powered by Woz U programs. If you are passionate about making a change, we are ready to help you realize that passion. Some employers require a high school diploma, some an associate degree and others a bachelor’s degree. In many areas, it is knowledge and experience that count more than a formal education. Other useful skills include exposure to APIs, e-commerce platforms and content management systems.

With less than five years of experience, expect to make between $65,338 and $67,423. Experience and location have a lot to do with how much a front-end programmer makes. The average salary across all categories is around $69,000.00 per year. The content should align with our interest in web development and open source technology. Share your experience and opinion with us and let the world be the stage to your ideas and work.

What Is The Difference Between Frontend Development And Web Design?

You can also dive in and learn everything you need to know to become a front-end engineer with our Front-End Engineer Career Path. When people think of the front end, they usually associate it with the style cloud deployment models of a website — such as the page layout, menus, and images. Front-end developers are responsible for updating company pages, customizing layouts, adding animated elements, ensuring accessibility, and more.

front end and back end

Full-stack developers are capable of writing both front-end code and dealing with code that runs on servers. They also help convert HTTP requests into actual responses from the internet. Front-end developers focus on working with tools, technologies, and programming languages that run inside web browsers. Front-end frameworks exist to add structure types of agile development to web applications with complex user interactions. Front-end developers generally focus their efforts on using these three technologies to create fluid user experiences. You might hear front-end development referred to as “client-side” development. This simply is a reference to what the client or end-user actually interacts with.


You enter your starting point and destination into the website’s front-end, which then sends your search query to the back-end, which is running somewhere on Google’s servers. The website’s back-end calculates, for multiple modes of transportation, the most efficient routes between the two places you front end and back end entered and sends these routes back to your computer. The front-end takes this routing information and displays it to you on a map of your current location. On the other hand, full stack developers are the right choice if you need someone who’s a “jack of all trades” and you want to keep costs low.

A growing startup could make great use of a Full Stack developer. This person would know enough to capably set up a website while also solving some problems on fintech trends the Back End. A Full Stack dev knows some HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and PHP along with code libraries and frameworks to help automate some processes.

What Is A Full Stack Developer?

If you don’t enjoy working with visuals or value organization more, then it’s likely you’re going to become a Back End developer. As we’ve laid out, the difference between front end and back end involves the user. While a Front End dev uses code to create what a user sees within a browser, the Back End dev uses code to make it all possible on the server side. And while Back End development is more technical than Front End development, Back End devs work hand-in-hand with Front End devs.

This makes me incredibly happy as these labels provide a much-needed distinction between the types of web development that need to occur in order to build successful web things. See how front-end and back-end skills are woven into the curriculum at Fullstack Academy and the Grace Hopper Program, or meet the team of instructors. For example, bootcamps that focus exclusively on the Swift programming pros and cons of using a staffing agency language will prepare you to develop iOS apps but not to build websites. Bootcamps that teach you a wide range of skills might appear to give you a lot of flexibility, but you might not develop enough expertise in any single language to find a job. You’ll have to decide on the right balance between versatility and specialization so you can successfully land a position in your chosen field.

Front End Development Salaries

Essentially, a back end developer handles what you don’t see; they are in charge of the back end of a website, which includes servers, databases, and applications. As a developer, you don’t have to settle for just frontend or backend; you can do both as a full-stack developer. Full-stack developers can create sites and web applications that render both on the client-side and the server-side . Front-end programmers are tasked with making the user interface and user experience as seamless as possible.

  • Creating CSS code that control the look and feel of the web experience, tackling colors, typography, responsive layout, animation, and any other visual aspect of the UI.
  • Back-end devs use these tools to create or contribute to web applications with clean, portable, well-documented code.
  • This is an area I’ve been passionate about for a long while, so I’d love to hear about your experience navigating these waters.
  • Front-end is all about the visual aspects of the website that a user can see and experience.

Common coding languages for back-end developers include Java, PHP, Python, .Net, and Ruby. These languages are well-suited for the work of back-end development and establishing communication between a website and the server. While users do not directly interact with the back end of a website, they’ll indirectly interact with elements these developers work on through a front-end types of agile development application. Back end development deals with storing and arranging data while also ensuring the front end is functioning well. Many back end developers know front end languages such as HTML and CSS but need to use languages such as Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, and .Net to get the back end job done. Back end developers are most focused on a site’s responsiveness and speed.

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Ruby, Python, and PHP are popular programming languages while SQL and MySQL are popular database management tools. Some industries may prefer experience with Java or Microsoft’s .Net framework. Our ownalumni outcomes data highlights which languages students are currently using in their careers. Key takeaway →Back End languages and Back End development are used to fulfill requests made by Front End languages. They communicate with databases, servers, and applications and are also known as server-side languages.

The back-end developer is the waiter who handles the website database using a back end, or server-side, language. Even if your ultimate goal is to become a back end or full stack developer, experienced developers might recommend that you master front-end development first. By understanding how the front end of websites are built, you can identify ways to make applications run more smoothly behind the scenes. If you’re keen to learn web development but aren’t sure whether to go down the frontend or backend route, it’s important to consider the day-to-day tasks of each. If you like the idea of working with visual designs and bringing them to life, creating a first-class user experience, then you’ll probably enjoy working in the frontend. Frontend developers don’t actually design these front-facing aspects of a website; this is the job of a web designer, or more specifically, a UI designer. The frontend developer takes this design and builds it into something functional using the frontend languages we talked about above.

What Is Backend Developer? Skills Need For Web Development

They are familiar with both front and back end development but may not have the same depth of knowledge as someone who specializes in either front end or back end. Find the perfect course for you across our in-person and online programs designed to power your career change. The overhead light fixture, or chandelier if you’re fancy, and the general design of a lamp or switch could be considered the Front End. The electricity and wiring to power all of that could be considered the Back End. The user doesn’t directly access the Back End, but it’s part of the larger process to satisfy their request.

Human or digital users interact directly with various aspects of the front end of a program, including user-entered data, buttons, programs, websites and other features. Most of these features are designed by user experience professionals to be accessible, pleasant and easy to use. Pair those skills with back-end multi asset solutions technologies like databases and Node.js, as well as developer tools like Bash, Git, and automated tests. The back end can also be referred to as the “server side” of a website. As an example, let’s say you’re running a social media website. You need an accessible place to store all of your users’ information.

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