living architecture


Buildings with stomachs [more]

Micro-agriculture bioreactors bring green technologies to ecological architecture [more]

On July 8, 2019, the consortium met in Brussels to present the project outcomes to the EC jury and the project officer. [more]

June 19th, 2019, Bucharest, Romania, for “INNOVATE ENTERPRISE” [more]

Living and non-living Architecture Seminar Escuela Técnica superior de Arquitectura, 14/15 March 2019, Sevilla, Spain [more]

Royal Society Meeting, Animate Materials, 13 March 2019, London, UK [more]

Film team in Bristol [more]

Whitechapel Gallery , London, UK 14 February – 12 May 2019 [more]

At the Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol, 23.-24. January 2019, the prototype set-up was inoculated. [more]

The Living Architecture partition wall [more]

Living Architecture: Investigating the interface between biology and architecture – a new vision for homes and cities [more]

intensive Living Architecture week and meeting in Bristol December 2018 [more]

MONDAY 1 OCT 2018, 6:30 PM, Salzgries 21, 1010 Vienna Mon Oncle, or why automation doesn‘t scare us [more]

Bristol Meeting [more]

Living Architecture was presented at the AgroSpace-MELiSSA workshop in Rome, [more]

The whole Living Architecture team gathered for two days [more]

Living Bricks Exhibition at the Great North Museum – Hancock [more]

Our project LIAR @  was made possible thanks to #H2020 #InvestEUresearch [more]

Conversation about urban ecologies, habitation systems and energy design 20. Oct. 2017, University of Applied Arts, Oska [more]

Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2017 [more]

Consortium Partners are organizing the workshop Living architectures at the European Conference on Artificial Life ECAL. [more]

Exploration of alternative forms of ‘computing’ to design ‘living brick’ prototypes [more]

Prof. Ioannis Ieropoulos and Associate Prof. Martin Hanczyc from the LIAR team present at the Copenhagen Autumn School [more]

Selected talks, lectures and conferences “Living Architecture Workshop,” TTÜ Academy of Architecture and Urban Stud [more]

10/11/2016, Horizon 2020 “From smart homes to living buildings – the next step in human habitats” [more]

“I mattoni viventi”, 12 Dicembre 2016, Fabio Bozzato – Corriere Imprese   [more]

“Energia da un mattone con microbe e acque reflue”, 15 ottobre 2016, by Enrico Tantucci – La Nuova Venezi [more]

“Debutta a Venezia il mattone vivente che produce energia e tratta le acque”, 18 ottobre 2016 – Il Sole24O [more]

“Living brick, il mattone vivente che produce energia e pulisce le acque”, 21 ottobre 2016 – Venezia R [more]

Exhibition of prototypes (with Living Architecture consortium) and Venetian brickwork for ‘Super Material’ exhibitio [more]

“‘Living bricks’ use microbial fuel cells to power buildings”, October 24, 2016, by Nick Flahert [more]

08/01/2016, by Cat DiStasio, inhabitat online [more]

“‘Living buildings’ could use bacteria for heat, electricity and repairs”, online, 01 November 2016, by [more]

6. October 2016, INVITIATION “Living Brick” for Venice: A prototype, exhibition and vision by the Living Architectur [more]

Living Architecture (LIAR) is a modular bioreactor-wall, which is based on the operational principles of microbial fuel [more]

'Smart' bricks which can recycle wastewater and generate electricity are being created as part of a new project aiming t [more]


Download summary brochure [more]

list of the most important publications, workshop organizations, conference and symposium participations and press artic [more]

A project summary video documentary showing the Living Architecture System Wall and the people behind the project. [more]

An ecological vision of architecture promises to provide electricity by integrating living systems into the walls of our [more]

Innovative Design of Microbial Fuel Cell for Integration into Selectively Programmable Bioreactor Wall [more]

Quantifying dynamic mechanisms of auto-regulation in Escherichia coli with synthetic promoter [more]

AgroSpace-MELiSSA workshop, Rome, 17 May 2018 [more]

The Living architecture: workshop report from the European Conference on Artificial Life, Lyon, France, 4 September 2017 [more]

paper submitted to ECAL workshop by Molly Hogle, Barbara Imhof, Waltraut Hoheneder, ECAL European Conference on Artifici [more]

Synthetic biology platform presentations around the globe [more]

Davide De Lucrezia from Explora Biotech presented DOULIX, a tool that was enhanced through the EU-H2020 Living Architect [more]

Armstrong, R. Soft Living Architecture: An alternative view of bio-informed design practice. London: Bloomsbury. (Forthc [more]

Ferracina S, “Designing Living Bricks: The Architectural Drawing as Conversational Platform”, in Yaneva, A, ed. Arde [more]

Armstrong, R. “Visions of bio architecture”, BE: The Journal of the Built Environment Trust, 1: 2017, pp 110-115. [more]

Armstrong R, Ferracina S, Caldwell G, Ieropoulos I, Rimbu G, Adamatzky A, Phillips N, De Lucrezia D, Imhof B, Hanczyc MM [more]

“A Dynamic Model of the Phosphate Response System with Synthetic Promoters in Escherichia coli”, Cansu Uluse [more]

“Towards implementation of Cellular Automata in Microbial Fuel Cells”, Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas(1), And [more]

“Living Architecture: A Modular and Programmable Synthetic Ecosystem for the Built Environment” British Phyc [more]

Vision, prototype, exhibition Venice Brochure for download here (40MB) [more]

flyer download here [more]

Project Kick-Off [more]

& Reference publications Armstrong R, Hanczyc MM. 2013. Bütschli Dynamic Droplet System. Artificial Life, 19(3-4): [more]


SPACE AND EXPERIENCE Architecture for Better Living [more]

alternative ways to integrate the Living Architecture system into the urban-built-environment [more]

Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol [more]

Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol, 24.-25. January 2019 [more]

Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol, 11.-12. December 2018 [more]

Project Progress Meeting in Venice, Italy 2.-3. May 2018 [more]

Project Progress Meeting in Vienna, Austria 19. Oct. 21.Oct. 2017 [more]

Living Architectures Workshop [more]

Preparation meeting for the REA Review meeting in Brussels, 21.-22. May 2017 [more]

Microbial Fuel Cell/Living brick Meeting [UWE, UNEW, LSG] at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK – Bris [more]

Synthetic Biology Workshop at the CSIC-CIB, Madrid, October 24-25, 2016 [more]

Microbial Fuel Cell Bricks exhibited in Venice as part of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 [more]

Project Meeting, Exhibition, Symposium, Press conference 13.-15. October 2016, Venice, Italy [more]

Workshop Build your own Microbial Fuel Cell – Consortium Members met at the University of the West of England, Bristol [more]

Application scenarios >

alternative ways to integrate the Living Architecture system into the urban-built-environment