Living Architecture Project Summary >
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Buildings with stomachs [more]
Micro-agriculture bioreactors bring green technologies to ecological architecture [more]
On July 8, 2019, the consortium met in Brussels to present the project outcomes to the EC jury and the project officer. [more]
June 19th, 2019, Bucharest, Romania, for “INNOVATE ENTERPRISE” [more]
Living and non-living Architecture Seminar Escuela Técnica superior de Arquitectura, 14/15 March 2019, Sevilla, Spain [more]
Royal Society Meeting, Animate Materials, 13 March 2019, London, UK [more]
Film team in Bristol [more]
Whitechapel Gallery , London, UK 14 February – 12 May 2019 [more]
At the Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol, 23.-24. January 2019, the prototype set-up was inoculated. [more]
The Living Architecture partition wall [more]
Living Architecture: Investigating the interface between biology and architecture – a new vision for homes and cities [more]
intensive Living Architecture week and meeting in Bristol December 2018 [more]
MONDAY 1 OCT 2018, 6:30 PM, Salzgries 21, 1010 Vienna Mon Oncle, or why automation doesn‘t scare us [more]
Bristol Meeting [more]
Living Architecture was presented at the AgroSpace-MELiSSA workshop in Rome, [more]
The whole Living Architecture team gathered for two days [more]
Living Bricks Exhibition at the Great North Museum – Hancock [more]
Our project LIAR @ was made possible thanks to #H2020 #InvestEUresearch [more]
Conversation about urban ecologies, habitation systems and energy design 20. Oct. 2017, University of Applied Arts, Oska [more]
Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2017 [more]
Consortium Partners are organizing the workshop Living architectures at the European Conference on Artificial Life ECAL. [more]
Exploration of alternative forms of ‘computing’ to design ‘living brick’ prototypes [more]
Prof. Ioannis Ieropoulos and Associate Prof. Martin Hanczyc from the LIAR team present at the Copenhagen Autumn School [more]
Selected talks, lectures and conferences “Living Architecture Workshop,” TTÜ Academy of Architecture and Urban Stud [more]
10/11/2016, Horizon 2020 “From smart homes to living buildings – the next step in human habitats” [more]
“I mattoni viventi”, 12 Dicembre 2016, Fabio Bozzato – Corriere Imprese [more]
“Energia da un mattone con microbe e acque reflue”, 15 ottobre 2016, by Enrico Tantucci – La Nuova Venezi [more]
“Debutta a Venezia il mattone vivente che produce energia e tratta le acque”, 18 ottobre 2016 – Il Sole24O [more]
“Living brick, il mattone vivente che produce energia e pulisce le acque”, 21 ottobre 2016 – Venezia R [more]
Exhibition of prototypes (with Living Architecture consortium) and Venetian brickwork for ‘Super Material’ exhibitio [more]
“‘Living bricks’ use microbial fuel cells to power buildings”, October 24, 2016, by Nick Flahert [more]
08/01/2016, by Cat DiStasio, inhabitat online [more]
“‘Living buildings’ could use bacteria for heat, electricity and repairs”, online, 01 November 2016, by [more]
6. October 2016, INVITIATION “Living Brick” for Venice: A prototype, exhibition and vision by the Living Architectur [more]
Living Architecture (LIAR) is a modular bioreactor-wall, which is based on the operational principles of microbial fuel [more]
'Smart' bricks which can recycle wastewater and generate electricity are being created as part of a new project aiming t [more]
Download summary brochure [more]
list of the most important publications, workshop organizations, conference and symposium participations and press artic [more]
A project summary video documentary showing the Living Architecture System Wall and the people behind the project. [more]
An ecological vision of architecture promises to provide electricity by integrating living systems into the walls of our [more]
Innovative Design of Microbial Fuel Cell for Integration into Selectively Programmable Bioreactor Wall [more]
Quantifying dynamic mechanisms of auto-regulation in Escherichia coli with synthetic promoter [more]
AgroSpace-MELiSSA workshop, Rome, 17 May 2018 [more]
The Living architecture: workshop report from the European Conference on Artificial Life, Lyon, France, 4 September 2017 [more]
paper submitted to ECAL workshop by Molly Hogle, Barbara Imhof, Waltraut Hoheneder, ECAL European Conference on Artifici [more]
Synthetic biology platform presentations around the globe [more]
Davide De Lucrezia from Explora Biotech presented DOULIX, a tool that was enhanced through the EU-H2020 Living Architect [more]
Armstrong, R. Soft Living Architecture: An alternative view of bio-informed design practice. London: Bloomsbury. (Forthc [more]
Ferracina S, “Designing Living Bricks: The Architectural Drawing as Conversational Platform”, in Yaneva, A, ed. Arde [more]
Armstrong, R. “Visions of bio architecture”, BE: The Journal of the Built Environment Trust, 1: 2017, pp 110-115. [more]
Armstrong R, Ferracina S, Caldwell G, Ieropoulos I, Rimbu G, Adamatzky A, Phillips N, De Lucrezia D, Imhof B, Hanczyc MM [more]
“A Dynamic Model of the Phosphate Response System with Synthetic Promoters in Escherichia coli”, Cansu Uluse [more]
“Towards implementation of Cellular Automata in Microbial Fuel Cells”, Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas(1), And [more]
“Living Architecture: A Modular and Programmable Synthetic Ecosystem for the Built Environment” British Phyc [more]
Vision, prototype, exhibition Venice Brochure for download here (40MB) [more]
flyer download here [more]
Project Kick-Off [more]
& Reference publications Armstrong R, Hanczyc MM. 2013. Bütschli Dynamic Droplet System. Artificial Life, 19(3-4): [more]
SPACE AND EXPERIENCE Architecture for Better Living [more]
alternative ways to integrate the Living Architecture system into the urban-built-environment [more]
Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol [more]
Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol, 24.-25. January 2019 [more]
Progress Meeting at UWE in Bristol, 11.-12. December 2018 [more]
Project Progress Meeting in Venice, Italy 2.-3. May 2018 [more]
Project Progress Meeting in Vienna, Austria 19. Oct. 21.Oct. 2017 [more]
Living Architectures Workshop [more]
Preparation meeting for the REA Review meeting in Brussels, 21.-22. May 2017 [more]
Microbial Fuel Cell/Living brick Meeting [UWE, UNEW, LSG] at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK – Bris [more]
Synthetic Biology Workshop at the CSIC-CIB, Madrid, October 24-25, 2016 [more]
Microbial Fuel Cell Bricks exhibited in Venice as part of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 [more]
Project Meeting, Exhibition, Symposium, Press conference 13.-15. October 2016, Venice, Italy [more]
Workshop Build your own Microbial Fuel Cell – Consortium Members met at the University of the West of England, Bristol [more]
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list of the most important publications, workshop organizations, conference and symposium participations and press articles of the project
A project summary video documentary showing the Living Architecture System Wall and the people behind the project.
An ecological vision of architecture promises to provide electricity by integrating living systems into the walls of our homes
Innovative Design of Microbial Fuel Cell for Integration into Selectively Programmable Bioreactor Wall
Quantifying dynamic mechanisms of auto-regulation in Escherichia coli with synthetic promoter
AgroSpace-MELiSSA workshop, Rome, 17 May 2018